(английский язык)
Questions of the intellectual Marathon.
1. Find 6 mistakes in the text : John like studying languages. He speak English and French fluently. I like languages too, but I’m not as gifted as he is. John hase lots of books. His collection contain hundreds of books written in five language. He read them very often.
2. Fill in the letters and you will read irregular verbs :
b |
r |
g |
t |
r |
a |
m |
d |
v |
n |
e |
E |
f |
o |
e |
3. Give a general
a) a number of sheep;
b) a large number of fish summing together;
c) eleven men playing football;
d) a flock of birds;
e) a collection of books.
4. Say this proverb in English
Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог даёт.
5. When did the Great Fire take place in London ?
6. What is Chaucer ?
7. A small ship the Mayflower left England. When did it happen ? Where did it sail ? How is the town called ? Which holiday do Americans celebrate ?
8. What is the second name of Broadway ? Why ?
9. What is sir Christopher Wren ?
10. He is clever, kind, strong and handsome. His friends and people love him ? Who is he ?